Saturday, April 12, 2008

Insurance Coverage at a Glance

The word Insurance refers to the promise of repayment of the money in the case of any loss to the insurer. The insurer may be an individual or a company who have made prepayment to an insurance company for a secured life. Insurance also provides security against future loss . We cannot predict the timing and the occurrence of loss. So we need insurance plan in order to protect ourselves from the future loss. An insurance policy provides financial assistance to support medical, personal and social services.
Types of Insurance::
Different types of Insurance plans are offered based on your needs. Some of them are Life Insurance Health Insurance Dental Insurance Property insurance Automobile insurance
Life Insurance:
Life insurance policy is sometimes referred as life assurance, provides reimbursement of money to the decedent s family or other designated. Life insurance gives security for you and your family. The life insurance may be permanent insurance or term insurance. The term insurance is somewhat expensive and complicated. Since the duration of this term insurance is limited to 1 to 10 or 20 years. If something happens to the insurer during this course of time, the death benefit is given to the recipient. If nothing happens at the end of term, they will not be benefited fully. Whereas the permanent life insurance is more secure and gives protection throughout the lifetime. If you cancel the policy then the accumulated cash will be yours and you can make use of it.
Health Insurance:
Health insurance is a type of insurance, which covers medical costs of the insured when the insurer becomes sick or injured. Health insurance plans offered in two categories. They are individual and group insurance policy. The individual plans covers health costs for a single person whereas the group health insurance plan covers medical coverage for the entire family.
Dental Insurance:
Like health insurance, dental insurance covers dental costs for an individual or group. The costs include normal dental care cost as well as damage to teeth in an accident. Most people in the United States are getting along with their health insurance plans from their employer. Whatever may be the type of policy, it provides you a financial aid for you and your child in future. Dental insurance covers both individual and group. The group dental is more economical and beneficial than the individual.
Automobile insurance:
The insurance which legal liability against driver or incase of loss and damage to the vehicle.
Property insurance::
Property insurance gives protection against your property. This includes specialized forms of insurance like fire insurance, flood insurance, earthquake insurance, home insurance etc.
Need for Insurance::
For secure life, we require insurance plans. Because anything may happen tomorrow, the things are unpredictable. Insurance makes you to prepare for future. The health insurance plans are provided to in order to meet the expense of any health problem.
Now a day s health and dental coverage for an individual/family becomes more expensive. So it is advisable to have a health insurance plan. You can get reasonable price on your individual health and dental plan through an employer.
Whatever may be the insurance plans it provides "protection against future loss".
Janani is a SEO copywriter for, She has written many articles in various topics. For more information visit . She can be reached at

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